Quicksilver.io was designed to be a fully responsive site.

This design includes:
PLEASE NOTE: Currently they have removed the “Home” tab, and changed the content on the “Features" page to add a form which was not done by me (it's styling is incorrect). I'm in the process of contacting them to fix it but as of yet, have not heard back from them.

Home page

The home page has a slider with three different images each one a different quote. I set that up so they could incorporate updates if they wished using a WordPress plugin slider. 

Interior pages: Features, Demo, and Contact Us pages

There are three main interior pages, “Features”, “Demo”, and “Contact Us”. They all use the same two-column design with only minor changes.

The pages have a simple two column design, and a couple of icon-highlighed contact blocks.
I designed three simple icons for this project: